Kherson Shipyard has laid the keel of the Third Tanker of RST 27 Project


On March 22 a.c. a ceremony of laying the keel of the third vessel of tanker-product carrier series of Project RST27 took place at Kherson Shipyard for SVL Group (Malta).

The Project was elaborated by Marine Engineering Office (Odessa).

The vessel conforms to the International Convention requirements and ecological safety.

The vessel’s overall length is – 140.85 m, width – 16.86 m, depth - 6 m. At river draft of 3.6 m the deadweight is 5378 ton, at 4.2 m sea draft the deadweight is 6980 ton.

The tanker is designed for a mix (river-to-sea) transportation of tanker crude oil and petroleum products, including petrol, without combustion temperature limitation, with the provision of cargo transportation with the 600C temperature upkeeping. The transportation of 2 grades of cargo simultaneously is provided.

Tankers of RST27 Project have reinforced river function, the increased river deadweight by 700 ton (in comparison with Armada type tankers) with the maintenance of raised cargo tank capacity and high Hull strength.

Addressing the meeting, Mr. Vasily Fedin, Director General of Kherson Shipyard, said:

- The Shipyard works successfully. At the end of March with a high workmanship and within Contract Dates we complete the construction of 6 pcs of offshore structures for Italian SAIPEM Company. To-day, we are the only in Ukraine, who went down to the construction of complete tankers of RST27 Project. The Company is booked with workload till 2013. And, no doubt, it is the merit of all employees.

Mr. Nikolay Kostyak, the Head of Kherson Regional State Administration, has underlined that huge vista lie open before Kherson Shipyard, the number of workers increases. The salary goes up. The Shipyard still needs 800 production workers to bring into reality the aim. Mr. Nikolay Kostyak has wished prosperity and new contracts to the Shipyard.

A Memorial Plaque on to the laid section of future tanker was installed by Mr. Valentin Trubach, a veteran of the Shipyard, ex Deputy Director General Production Manager.