Unex Bank has won the Credible Bank 2012 competition of the Bankir magazine in the nomination The Bank Maintaining High Credibility Level. The award ceremony for the competition winners took place on 11 July in Kiev.
The commission determining the winner in the nomination The Bank Maintaining High Credibility Level put an emphasis on the efficiency of the banks' approaches to their customer relations. In particular, they took into account the transparency of the product policy, the level of the service culture, implementation of the loyalty programs and business process innovations.
'I am positive that the competition results will help future bank customers get a better understanding of the new banking market of Ukraine!' said Anatoliy Timofeyev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board at Unex Bank who represented the bank at the award ceremony.
'The foresight of Unex Bank in its customer relations management and its determination to exceed its previous achievements is key to the customers' confidence in our bank. The market is quick to remember such business practices,' commented Andrey Yatsura, Chairman of the Management Board at Unex Bank.
It is not the first time Unex Bank has been highly evaluated by independent experts this year. Thus, in March it was listed by the Kommersant business magazine among the Top 50 Banks of Ukraine, and also took the leading positions in the Expert magazine’s rating in terms of reliability and deposit growth rates.