Alexey Pertin’s Greetings on Steelworker’s and Miner’s Day


Dear colleagues, professionals of steel making and mining industries!

For many years, your work has been shaping welfare of Ukraine that takes its rightful place among the world’s largest producers of iron and steel. The industry employing hundreds of thousands of people is honoured for its traditions and working dynasties, and is justly considered as one of the driver’s of the national economy.

I am happy to congratulate all of you who genuinely care about the development of our country’s iron and steel industry. I believe that the industry’s intellectual potential that has been accumulated for decades will be the cornerstone that will help us survive these turbulent times with dignity and step up to the next development level. For sure, our production capacities require modernization, and we are investing huge efforts to achieve that. However, without all of you who mined coal, built plants and rolling mills and made important scientific discoveries Ukraine will not be able to make its step forward and become a dignified competitor in the international arena.

I sincerely wish you all optimism and unwavering self-belief, and hope that your work will make your families happier every day!

CEO of Smart-Holding,
Member of Supervisory Board at Metinvest
Alexey Pertin