Смарт Холдинг

Amstor Hypermarkets Under Threat


On 31 December, some armed men broke into a number of hypermarket stores of Amstor retail chain. As it turned out later, they acted at the direction of Amstor’s ex-manager, Vladimir Vagorovskiy. In the course of the audit made by the retailer’s shareholders, he was accused of unlawful actions.

Smart-Holding, the main shareholder of Amstor Group, appealed to the law-enforcement authorities and urged the employees to maintain stable operation of all the retail chain’s subsidiaries. The ex-manager intimidates the management of the stores, forces them to stay away from work and hide cash proceeds, preventing their collection.

‘The minority shareholder Vladimir Vagorovskiy is really destabilizing the situation. He is doing everything possible and impossible not to allow the company’s normal operation. In particular, the employees are intimidated. Unfortunately, they are forced to take actions that are actually illegal. Unfortunately, they may be brought to responsibility under the criminal law. We have discovered the fact that they were forced to take all the cash proceeds and bring them home. Can you imagine it? To keep a million hryvnias in a bag at home’ said the deputy director for operations of Amstor, Aleksandr Keba.

The main shareholder continues the audit. Absence of employees from their workplaces, empty drawers where documents must be stored. That is what the auditors found in Amstor hypermarket on Pravdy Avenue in Dnepropetrovsk.

This is how, at the direction of Vladimir Vagorovskiy, attempts were made to hide the store’s documents that could not be destroyed. The auditors have to piece the accounting information together to prove the facts of violations to the law-enforcement authorities.

Smart-Holding, the main shareholder of Amstor, urged all its employees to report the facts of intimidation to police, not to perform illegal acts under pressure and expressed confidence that stable work of the retail chain will be resumed soon.