UNEX BANK has summed up its results for quarter 1 of 2017. According to the performance results for this period, the financial profit of UNEX BANK amounted to UAH 83 million, while the financial result for the corresponding period of last year was negative (- UAH15.18 million). Thus, as of 1 April 2017, the Bank takes the 2nd place among private equity banks in terms of its financial indicators.
The Bank's financial indicators as at 1 April 2017 are as follows:- net assets – UAH 677 million
- credit portfolio – UAH 577 million
- amount of credit risk provision – UAH 136 million or about 24% of the portfolio
- clients' funds – UAH 387 million, including about UAH 305 million as individuals’ funds
- bank's own capital – UAH 263 million
- authorized capital – UAH 292 million