HarvEast Holding Has summed up Production Results for 2013
09.12.2013At year-end 307.4 thousand tons of cereal and oil crops have been ground in the Holding farms.
Smart-Holding and SCM Completed Legal Process to Register Partnership in Agricultural Business
07.10.2013As part of improvement in the corporate governance system, Smart-Holding and SCM have completed the legal process of the share allocation in the shareholder capital of HarvEast Company.
HarvEast Holding Curtails Its Presence in Risk Farming Region and Sells Ilyich-Agro Zaporozhye Business Unit
05.09.2013As part of its strategy to reduce climate risks and optimize the Company’s land bank, HarvEast Holding has made a decision to sell its Ilyich-Agro Zaporozhye structural unit that farms 15 thousand hectares of land in Berdianskiy and Primorskiy districts of Zaporozhye region.