Smart Holding passed new living-buildings to the eight large families on Volyn


On July 9 the eight large families of Kivertsivsky district of Volyn region got new living-buildings constructed by the means of Smart Holding in the framework of joint project of authorities and business Warm a child with love. Keys from new buildings were handed by the President of Ukraine Viktor Iushchenko, family, youth and sports minister of Ukraine Iurii Pavlenko and vice-president on humanitarian and social questions of Smart Holding Aleksandr Sheiko.

Opening the ceremony, the President of Ukraine Viktor Iushchenko appreciated in value the cooperation of authority and business in the framework of the project Warm a child with love and thanked to its participants. Iushchenko noted that "Ukrainian family was always the essence of Ukrainian state. We should praise the business which in different times demonstrated the honest heart to people".

New accommodation was transferred to three families in the village of Karpilovka, two families in the village of Bashlyki, two families in the villages of Derno and Prilutskoe, and one family in the village of Tsuman of Volyn region. The total area of each building is from 120 to 140 sq. m (taking into account the requirements of housing development - 15 sq. m per each family member). The typical building projects were adapted to the needs of each family depending on family structure and number of children. All the buildings are two-storey buildings, constructed with the use of modern technologies and are equipped with on-site utilities (running water, canalization, heating, electric system etc.). The budgeted value of each building amounts to about 650 thous. UAH.

Totally in the framework of the project Warm the child with love, Smart Holding gives aid to 10 large families of Volyn region, each of them educates from 10 to 15 children. New buildings are constructed for 9 families, financial aid for capital repairs and reconstruction of the accommodation in the village of Karpilovka will be provided for one family in the amount of 200 thous. UAH. The first of nine buildings was transferred to the large family of Linnyks residing in the village of Tsuman of Kivertsivsky district of Volyn region in December of the last year.

As vice-president on humanitarian and social questions of CJSC Smart Holding Aleksandr Sheiko says, "we are proud for finishing of these projects and we are sure that the buildings constructed by us will serve to neodamodes, their children and even grand-children for a long time".

The total amount of charitable aid of Smart-Holding for the realization of the project Warm the child with love overpassed 6 million UAH.


The President of Ukraine Viktor Iushchenko initiated the project Warm the child with love on the meeting with business and authorities representatives on December 11, 2007. The program is aimed to the solving of the most severe problems of large families, children-orphans and children lacking parent care. One of the foreground tasks of the project is solving of residential and other problems of large families, which educate 10 or more minor children.

Smart Holding takes an active part in charitable and social projects, in the program of Ukrainian cultural heritage support. Currently the company takes part in the reconstruction of Baturin, on the territory of which state historical and cultural reserve Hetman Capital was founded, and in the project Children's hospital of the future» of the fund Ukraine-3000. For the purpose of coordination of charitable activity of Smart Holding in September of 2008 International Charitable Fund International Charitable Fund in honour of Holy Protection of Holy Mother.